The 2015 Reunion was a large attendance due to the celebration of 60 year anniversaries party and new information! Thanks!
Connie K. (Holman) Seidel, dear wife of Richard Seidel, passed away on July 12, 2015 in Altamon, IL.
We celebrated our eldest family member, Mary Lou (Seidel) Fosters 90th birthday with a card shower, daughter of Roy Seidel.
Brenda (White) Chastain died in a tragic car accident on Sept. 12, 2015. She was Geneva (Seidel) White's 3rd child.
We celebrated Floyd Seidel"s 90th birthday Jan.4, 2016 with a card and call shower.
Christopher R. Seidel passed away on March 18, 2016. He was Vernie Seidel, Sr.'s son.
The 2017 Seidel Reunion date was changed to Father's Day because of a scheduling problem. Thank you to all who came!
We celebrated Sarah Maxwell's 90th birthday Nov. 17th 2017, with a card/call shower and her family surprised her with a huge dinner!
2017 losses were many: Stepanie (Maxwell) Gann in March, Donna Sue Maxwell in April (granddaughter and then the daughter of Sarah (Seidel) Maxwell), Yvonne Herreld in Aug. in IL, daughter of Evelyn (Seidel) Herreld, and Floyd Robert Seidel son of Harve and Pearl Seidel at age 91 in Dec. Also, the wife of Paul Harris, Dortha (Arthur) Harris, who attended several Seidel Reunions passed in Jan. in FL as well as our distant cousin, Ann (Maier) and her husband Bill Rogers, who helped give us so many of our genealogical finds, Ann was a descendant of Gustavus Seidel's 2nd eldest sister, Ida (Seidel) Maier. She passed just 3 months after her dear husband.
The 2018 Seidel Reunion will Juhe 23, 2018. Mark your calendar!
Dedicated to my dad, Lee Roy Seidel, and all our family. Copyright 2010 by Gina (Seidel) Newby All rights reserved.