Homestead cabin

Seidel Links

Brandon Seidel TX website is being redone but was an excellent site (not related)

Scott and Kristi Seidel Missionaries OR missionaries has good reading (not related)

Morton Seidel Brooklyn NY to CA his story written by Arnold Seidel (not related)

Harris Links

Isaac Brown Scotland to MO webpages of Harris ancestors genealogy (related)

Gabel Links

Turner Links

Maier Links

Strawhun Links

John Strawhun descendents Strawhun family in Phelps County, MO (related)

Levasseur Links

Levasseur organization Levasseur ancestry site free information and paid parts (related)

Newby Links

Bumpus Brothers Bump family of CO ancestors (related)

Other Links

Rootsweb search engine for genealogy Family Search search engine for genealogy

Bureau of Land Management search for land patents MA vital records search for records

Missouri Sec. of State resources online records for the state

This page gives links to other websites that we have found during our research. Some of the pages have no connection to the family but we have found them to be informative historically or just fun! We have tried to put them with the family names to which they are connected. We don't take any responsibility for these websites' contents, which can change. We think these are fairly reliable websites. We hope they are enjoyed. Let us know if you have a website to add to this page.
































Dedicated to my dad, Lee Roy Seidel, and all our family. Copyright 2010 by Gina (Seidel) Newby All rights reserved.