Seidel Family History
The family history that we have in this project are results of many other peoples' tireless hours researching in libraries, in old newspapers, on-line and from interviews with family members or other sources. These listings are as accurate as we can get them. If you see an error, we will try to correct it to the best of our research. Please help us out by giving document copies or web addresses to back up the correction and have patience with us to correct it. It would really help us. Thank you. Please remember that the "facts" in family history sometimes go by the rule that it is "close enough for horseshoes"*. Lost family history causes complications as well as the errors in documents. It is like putting a puzzle together with several pieces missing. Sometimes you find the pieces and sometimes you don't, but it sure makes you happy to find one of those lost pieces and can fit it into it's place!
*Note: For those not from the hills in Phelps County, "horseshoes" is a game where you pitch the horseshoes as close to the peg as possible to score points. This was a common family game. The phrase means that it may not be perfect, but is close enough that you get the point.
Dedicated to my dad, Lee Roy Seidel, and all our family. Copyright 2010 by Gina (Seidel) Newby All rights reserved.